"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." Dalai Lama

1. Please be gracious, kind, and courteous during our time together.
2. Always be prepared to take a shower. Good hygiene is always a turn on!
3. Honorariums are non-negotiable.
4. Please make sure to place the honorariums in a plain white envelope in plain view at the start of the date to avoid an uncomfortable conversation.
5. I understand things come up from time to time but please be sure and send me an email as soon as any changes are needed.
6. Screening is absolute.
Also, my ideal client is someone who can plan at least 24 hrs.
You may ask about discretion, which is totally understandable. I will remain discreet especially before vetting. After the vetting process, I will be happy to send unblurred pics. Thanks in advance for understanding. I'm sure you will appreciate my need for discretion as I will honor yours as well.